Simple Tricks To Crack IIT JEE Exam


Every year lakhs of students appear for IIT JEE exams and only selected once is able to crack the exam. Everyone will be thinking how it is possible for those students to crack their exam. Students have to devote months of preparation to crack their IIT JEE exams. You definitely need good guidance to secure decent score in exam. So surely you need to join the best iit jee training center in dubai. At career launchers, iit jee training center in uae we come across many students who secured top ranks in IIT JEE exam. Here we are going to discuss with you about simple tricks to crack IIT JEE exams.

  • Make a good study plan before you start your preparations.
  • Practice regularly and devote more time for preparing the week subjects.
  • Keep in touch with every topic. Do not leave any chapter by thinking that it won’t come.
  • Do not skip any topics because its boring or too lengthy.
  • Making short notes is a very good habit. Short notes should include important chapters, concepts, formulae or pointers.

iit jee training center in abu dhabi

  • Do not leave any topic because some questions in JEE paper is the combination of two-three topics.
  • Try to solve JEE previous year question paper each day, so that you will be familiar with the question pattern.
  • It is a good habit to take test after every topic.
  • For improving your problem-solving speed you can take minimum 2 mock tests a day.
  • Revise all the topics weekly.
  • You should consider the three subjects and pay equal attention to all the three subjects – Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.


  • You should need continues self evaluation while preparing for IIT JEE exams.
  • In the exam hall do not panic. Also, do not try to do too much of guesswork.
  • Attempt the questions that are easy for you first. Don’t waste the time by attending difficult ones. You can attend the difficult one at the end.
  • Do not solve any questions in hurry. This will make careless mistakes and calculation errors.
  • Try to attempt questions that carry more marks. This will maximize your attempt.

Career Launcheriit jee training center in dubai

Career launcher offers one the best iit classes in dubai. We use different techniques for iit entrance exam coaching in uae. Because of our good training and results we become the best iit institute in dubai. The iit coaching in uae by career launcher help the students to sharpen their logical and critical thinking ability. We are one the best online coaching for iitjee in uae.

Career launcher also has iit jee training center in abu dhabi and iit jee training center in sharjah. We also offers engineering entrance coaching in dubai, law coaching, maths tuition in abu dhabi and medical entrance coaching.

How to Manage Time


Why do some students excel in school? This is a question asked by many of the students. One of the main reason for their excellence is they have effective time management. Successful students won’t study too much at one time. You should plan specific times for studying. Try to study at the same times each day. Set specific goals for their study times. Start studying when planned. To be successful student you must carefully manage your study time. There are many tuition centers in dubai where faculties mold their students to manage their study time and score good marks in their examination. Career launcher is one among them and stands as one of the leading tuition classes in dubai. Our tuition in dubai have highly trained teachers who will discuss with you about how to manage time.

Term Calendar

Before you begin you should prepare a term calendar and update it as the term goes. You should record your school assignments with their due dates and your scheduled tests. You can also include your planned school activities.

Weekly Schedule

Prepare a weekly schedule and record your daily classes. You can enter the things to be done for next week and review your class notes from the previous week. You should include times for completing assignments, working on projects, and studying for tests.


Daily Schedule

This is the most important one. Every evening you should prepare the daily schedule for next day. The daily schedule should include the things to do for the coming day from your weekly schedule. Enter the things that you still need to complete from the previous day. Review your class notes for the day just completed to see if you need to add any school activities. Allot time for the subject your have studied one the day. You should review the entire subject the same day you have taught in school.

Prepare this organizer and strictly follow it then only you will be able to excel in you studies and score good marks in examination.

Career Launchertuition in Dubai


Career launcher is a leading educational institute with one of the best tuition classes in Dubai. Our well trained faculties help your child progress in studies and mold the students to develop their inner talent. Our tuition centers in Abu Dhabi motivate the students to develop their skill and make their weak points to their strength. Career Launcher also has tuition in dubai where we mold the students to develop self-confidence and built good character. We provide the best cbse maths tuition in dhabi with experienced faculties who make the problems easier for students and make maths interesting.

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How to Focus on Studying


Students of our tuition center in Dubai often say that their mind wander frequently whenever they try to study. This a common problem faced by many students. To really focus on your studies find a quiet study place, give your brain the occasional break, and minimize distractions like music and the computer. Usually every one had heard about the tips to focus on studying. Here the faculties of career launcher, tuition in dubai tells you some don’ts that you are not allowed to do in studying so that you can focus on your studies.

Don’t Panic

Do not panic when you study When you panic, you make mistakes, so keep calm throughout. If you successfully planned your revision, you will have no need to panic when the exam comes.

Don’t listen to music if it’s not good for you

Some people need music that will help them to study. But try not to give your brain anything else to focus on while you’re studying.

Reduce use of computer

It’s good not to use computers, internet and mobile. If you use mobile you will have the tendency of replying to texts every minute, which is very distracting. The best way is to turn off the internet while you study.


Don’t go off-topic

There is high chance of going off topic while you study. It will be because of the boring topics or the topic won’t be exiting to you. So try to focus on topic and think that every topic have its own exiting elements and explore different subjects.

Don’t get discouraged

Take things in manageable chunks and don’t worry about getting things perfect the first time around. Always think that you can do it. Do not discourage yourself.

Career Launchertuition in Dubai

Career launcher is a leading educational institute with one of the best tuition classes in Dubai. Our well trained faculties help your child progress in studies and mold the students to develop their inner talent. Our tuition centers in Abu Dhabi motivate the students to develop their skill and make their weak points to their strength. Career Launcher also has tuition in dubai where we mold the students to develop self-confidence and built good character. We provide the best cbse maths tuition in abu dhabi with experienced faculties who make the problems easier for students and make maths interesting.


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Study In Dubai


The United Arab Emirates is young, dynamic, and exciting and is known for its incredible diversity, warm hospitality, political stability, economic vitality, safety, and religious tolerance. Dubai has now become one of the best destination among international students. The reason why many students select Dubai for their studies is:

Affordable fees

Studies in Dubai is comparatively cheap because of the education policies of Dubai. To get the same quality of education one would have to spend double the money in any other country.

Excellent job opportunities

Dubai is one the fastest growing economy in the world and hence offers unlimited opportunities for career. As there is a vast development in the area of infrastructure, trade and commerce, the possibilities of finding on job training as well as full time jobs are good.

Recreation and entertainment

Dubai provides a variety of opportunities for sports and recreation. The outskirts of the city ranges from desert to sea and have interesting games like golf, water ski, scuba dive or dune drives. Dubai has the world best musicians and their performance will surely entertain you.


Dubai attracts the tourists due to its shopping festivals, sports and recreation. This makes it ideal for studying subjects related to hotel management, tourism as well as business.

There are many public and private schools serving Emiratis and expatriates. There are 131 private schools in Dubai. There are also many tuition centers and entrance coaching centers which helps students to build their future and studies. Career Launcher is one among them and is one of the best tuition centers in dubai.

Career Launcher, tuition in Dubai

Career launcher is a leading educational institute with one of the best tuition classes in Dubai. Our well trained faculties help your child progress in studies and mold the students to develop their inner talent. Our tuition centers in Abu Dhabi motivate the students to develop their skill and make their weak points to their strength. Career Launcher also has tuition in dubai where we mold the students to develop self-confidence and built good character. We provide the best cbse maths tuition in abu dhabi with experienced faculties who make the problems easier for students and make maths interesting.

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Beat Your Exam Stress

Every student wants to score high marks in their examination and want to be the top students in their class. But sometimes exam stress will make them down. Many students face over stress at the time of exam even though they have prepared well, due to stress they won’t be able to perform well.


To fight the exam stress, you need to understand the reasons behind this heightened anxiety. Then you can establish methods to reduce the pressures you feel. Some of the reason for stress is:

  • Low motivation levels
  • Lack of preparation and planning
  • High expectations from others
  • Competition from peers

You should fight against your stress and perform well in your exams. Career launcher is a leading tuition centers in dubai with highly experienced faculties. Our faculties give you some easy tips to beat the exam stress. Let’s have a look into it:

Listening to music

Music gives you a positive and productive environment. Listening to music elevates your mood and encourage you to study more effectively and for longer. Classical music is recommended as the best type of music to boost your brain power but ambient music can work too.

Quick Walk

Do not spend your entire time before exams with books open. Instead you can take a walk which can boost your memory and brain power.


Get enough sleep

Getting good sleep helps your brain to assimilate new knowledge into your long-term memory so that you can recall it when it comes to test day. So make sure you get enough sleep before your exams.

Plan your study routine

Create a good study routine before you start your studies. With some initial effort, you can become more productive and motivated each day you approach your study by understanding your learning progress.




Meditation is one of the most effective ways to take a break and see your stress from a different perspective. Meditations help to improve your mental and physical health to reduce pre-exam stress.

Eat Dark Chocolate

Eating dark chocolate which is over 70% cocoa fights the stress hormone cortisol and has an overall relaxing effect on the body. Plus chocolate releases endorphins which act as a natural stress fighter.

Remove all your distractions

Students are busy with their Facebook, Instagram etc. When you add it all up together, it amounts to a significant waste of time. It can be hard to detach from your life outside of studying but keeping the end goal and time frame in mind will ease the process. So its better you stop using it at your exam time which will help you to only concentrate in your studies.

 Career Launcher, tuition centers in dubai

Career launcher is a leading educational institute with one of the best tuition classes in Dubai. Our well trained faculties help your child progress in studies and mold the students to develop their inner talent. Our tuition centers in Abu Dhabi motivate the students to develop their skill and make their weak points to their strength. Career Launcher also has tuition in dubai where we mold the students to develop self confidence and built good character. We provide the best cbse maths tuition in abu dhabi with experienced faculties who make the problems easier for students and make maths interesting.

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