Improving Reading confidence

Improving Reading confidence

As a student you are faced with the need to read a lot of information. You will not get the mainly out of the time you assign for studying if you read incompetently. Here are some ways you can get better your reading facility.

  • Do your heaviest reading assignments when you are most alert. A physical task takes more time to achieve when you are tired. The same is true for a analysis task.
  • Focus on what you are reading. Your reading will be slowed if you are abstracted. Distractions can be exterior such as a TV playing, or internal such as perturbing about something you have to do the next day.
  • Look over the reading fabric before you begin reading. You can quickly scan a page by looking for headings, bullet points, and things in bold. As you do this you may find that there is some text you can skip.
  • Avoid reading word by word. Try to read blocks of words. Your eyes can take in four to five words at a time. Work on increasing the number of words you can read at a time.
  • Don’t utter each word in your head as you read it. The action of pronouncing words, even if not aloud, slows you down.
  • Use a pen or pencil or even your finger as a pacer. Your eyes and brain will try to keep up with the pace you set. You can work on growing your pace of appraisal.
  • Avoid straining your eyes. Reading with inadequate light, at an painful angle, or in bed lying down can result in eye fatigue that will slow your reading or cause you to stop for periods of time. irregular your eyes from time to time can help ease eyestrain.
  • Try not to let your eyes stay in the same place on the page for too long. Move on at any time you find yourself stuck.
  • Don’t use a ballpoint. If you do, you are likely to pay too much attention to everything on the page.
  • Avoid going back to read amazing unless absolutely required. Rereading interrupts your reading flow and slows you down. You can always go back later to appraisal material.
  • Focus on key words in the sentences. You can read more confidently by quickly moving past conjunction (e.g., and), prepositions (e.g., as), and articles (e.g., a).

Tips for students IIT JEE exam preparations

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Indian Institute of Technology – Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-JEE) is one of the toughest engineering exams. Students have to dedicate months of preparation to crack this exam. absolutely, good supervision is needed to secure a decent score in JEE. though, there are a lot of students in this era who consider in their own abilities and aptitude.

So, here are some tips and tricks that students must follow to crack IIT JEE exam:

Be alert:

First of all, you should be spiritually prepared and keep a positive approach towards your goal. These days, the rivalry has become so high, you need to give a marvelous effort spiritually and physically. You must raise your level of presentation to be able to crack the exam.

Relevant study material:

You should know the whole syllabus that will be covered in the exam; so that you can collect study material for preparation. orientation to good guide books and previous years question papers for JEE will go a long way into your planning.

Proper use of time:

You must follow a strict timetable to use your time in the best way. resolve more and more problems, find out more and more new tricks. You should make notes for the topics in which you are weak. This will help you to carry out well in exam.

Interact with JEE experts:

Keep in touch with the students who have cleared JEE test so that you can get a better guidance. They will let you know about Do’s and Don’ts for JEE test.

Group study:

Working with a spirited study group goes a very long way in the successful training of IIT-JEE. Group discussion with teachers and fellow students will recreate a helpful environment to multiply your knowledge exponentially. Students can Quiz and confront each other with questions from the IIT-JEE syllabus.

Revise carefully:

You should revise the syllabus as many times as you can. Doing so will help you in the following ways:

  • It will increase your test-taking speed.
  • It will help you beat panic.
  • It will give you a clear picture about the topics you’re weak in.

Eat & sleep well:

Having a good diet is as much necessary as studying. Your brain needs usual energy from food to work efficiently. You must have at least 8 hours of proper sleep to relax your brain.

It is forever better to start early and revise towards the end to come from end to end with flying colours !!


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Eligibility Criteria for JEE Advanced 2015

Only Top 1,50,000 candidates across JEE Main Merit List of various categories will be eligible for taking JEE Advanced exams. These candidates are distributed across merit lists in the following manner:

50.5% candidates or Top 75,750 candidates from the Common Merit List (CML),

27% candidates or Top 40,500 candidates from the Other Backward Classes-Non Creamy Layer OBC(NCL),

15% candidates or Top 22,500 candidates from the Scheduled Caste(SC),

7.5% candidates or Top 11,250 candidates from the Scheduled Tribe(ST).

3% of Total Seats in Each Category are reserved for Persons with Disability (PwD) candidates. Hence, 2,272 seats from General (GE) category are for PwD candidates. Similarly, 1,215 of OBC seats, 675 of SC seats and 338 of ST seats are for PwD candidates of their respective categories

How to prepare for JEE Advanced?

Students are shortlisted for IITs based on their marks in Class XII board exams as well as JEE Main. While JEE Advance is based on CBSE syllabus, there are a few topics in Mathematics and Physics that you do not need to cover for IIT JEE preparation:
• Mathematics topics you do not need to cover: Mathematical Induction, Statistics, Linear Inequality and Mathematical Reasoning.
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